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Mythen über agiles ERP entlarvt

Diese Infografik erläutert die Vorteile und beseitigt häufige Missverständnisse bei der Implementierung eines branchenspezifischen ERP-Plattform. Sie hebt hervor, wie wichtig es ist, Transformationen in kleinere Projekte zu zerlegen, Teams während des gesamten Prozesses einzubeziehen, agile Praktiken, Anpassung, Datenaggregation und kontinuierliche Innovation zu nutzen.
Infographic Information Technology
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Mythbusting the agile ERP

This infographic discusses the benefits and dispels common misconceptions of implementing an industry-specific ERP system. It emphasizes the importance of breaking transformations into smaller projects, involving teams throughout the process, utilizing agile practices, customization, data aggregation, and continuous innovation.
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Mythbusting the agile ERP

This infographic discusses the benefits and dispels common misconceptions of implementing an industry-specific ERP system. It emphasizes the importance of breaking transformations into smaller projects, involving teams throughout the process, utilizing agile practices, customization, data aggregation, and continuous innovation.
Infographic Information Technology
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Sfatiamo i miti dell'ERP agile

È opinione comune che le pratiche agili non possano essere applicate alle implementazioni ERP. Questa infografica sfata i miti sulle moderne implementazioni ERP e fornisce pratiche fruibili e agili che possono essere applicate per accelerare le trasformazioni e fornire rendimenti straordinari.
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Démystification de l’ERP agile

Il existe une idée fausse et répandue selon laquelle les pratiques agiles ne peuvent pas être appliquées à la mise en œuvre d’un ERP. Cette infographie dissipe les mythes entourant la mise en œuvre d’un ERP moderne et présente des pratiques agiles et concrètes qui peuvent être appliquées pour accélérer les transformations et obtenir des résultats qui changent la donne.
Infographic Information Technology
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Mythbusting the agile ERP

This infographic discusses the benefits and dispels common misconceptions of implementing an industry-specific ERP system. It emphasises the importance of breaking transformations into smaller projects, involving teams throughout the process, utilising agile practices, customisation, data aggregation, and continuous innovation.
Infographic Information Technology
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Accelerating SoC Development

The technology industry is changing at a rapid pace. One of the biggest hurdles to building a device fast enough is understanding how to leverage the best technology available today to accelerate SoC development.   In this guide you learn how to: And finally be free to do what you do best … innovate.
Guide Information Technology Product Development and Design
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Quest Global Embedded Engineering Overview

In the fast-paced realm of Aerospace & Defense, Quest Global shines as a luminary in embedded engineering. Their tailored solutions for the Aerospace & Defense industry encompass hardware engineering development for sonar systems, firmware creation and testing for surveillance radar programs, and systems & software development for new defense aid systems. By seamlessly blending the latest technologies with the precise needs of the industry, they are poised to deliver critical software applications for performance improvement. Dive into their bespoke case studies tailored for the Aerospace & Defense arena, and witness firsthand how they’re redefining the benchmarks of embedded engineering.
Asset Information Technology
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Quest Global Aftermarket and MRO Solutions

In the complex realm of Aerospace & Defense, Quest Global stands as a leader, particularly in Aftermarket and MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul) solutions. By keenly aligning their services to meet the unique challenges within the industry, they not only ensure heightened asset performance but also prolong overall lifecycles. Their proactive approach, which ranges from detailed component repairs to holistic fleet management, coupled with Total Life Cycle Cost Improvements, has delivered substantial savings of $150M to one of their customers. This achievement underscores their commitment and drive for operational excellence and minimized downtimes. Dive into their specialized solutions and discover how Quest Global is elevating the standards of Aftermarket and MRO services in the Aerospace & Defense landscape.
Asset Information Technology