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Arm Dummies Guide to Software-Defined Vehicles

Arm’s latest Dummies Guide takes you through the captivating world of SDVs, offering insights into the technologies and systems that propel SDVs, and their impact on the future of transportation. This book covers the foundational understanding of SDVs and progressively delves into their various aspects, exploring the potential implications of this rapidly evolving field.
Ebook Intelligent Vehicles
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Physics-Based Radar Modeling: Driving Toward Increased Safety

Ansys AVxcelerate has been proven in both customer applications and scientific research to accurately predict the performance of radar-based sensors under real-world driving parameters — making it a critical solution for the world’s automakers as they race to launch new ADAS features and functionalities. To learn more download the whitepaper.
Whitepaper Intelligent Vehicles
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An Integrated Simulation Platform to Validate Autonomous Vehicle Safety

Ansys capabilities span the simulation of all sensors, including lidars, cameras, radars and ultrasonic sensors; the multiphysics simulation of physical and electronic components; the analysis of system functional safety; as well as the design and automatic code generation of safety-certified embedded software. Sensor simulation can be integrated into a closed-loop simulation environment that interacts with traffic simulators, enabling thousands of driving scenarios to be executed virtually. To learn more download the whitepaper.
Whitepaper Intelligent Vehicles