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As a global leader in business cloud software specialized by industry. Infor develops complete solutions for its focus industries, including industrial manufacturing, distribution, healthcare, food & beverage, automotive, aerospace & defense, hospitality, and high tech. Infor’s mission-critical enterprise applications and services are designed to deliver sustainable operational advantages with security and faster time to value. Over 60,000 organizations in more than 175 countries rely on Infor’s 17,500 employees to help them achieve their business goals. To learn more, please visit or check out all of our channels on

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Revolutionizing manufacturing through data driven excellence

Discover how industrial manufacturing organisations are using real-time data to respond to increasing market demands. Read Infor’s latest white paper to learn how a data-driven approach can drive better decision-making, reduce time to market, and improve the efficiency and quality of your products and services.
Whitepaper Infor
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Mythbusting the agile ERP

Mythbusting the agile ERP This infographic discusses the benefits and dispels common misconceptions of implementing an industry-specific ERP system. It emphasizes the importance of breaking transformations into smaller projects, involving teams throughout the process, utilizing agile practices, customization, data aggregation, and continuous innovation.
Ebook Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
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Mythen über agiles ERP entlarvt

Diese Infografik erläutert die Vorteile und beseitigt häufige Missverständnisse bei der Implementierung eines branchenspezifischen ERP-Plattform. Sie hebt hervor, wie wichtig es ist, Transformationen in kleinere Projekte zu zerlegen, Teams während des gesamten Prozesses einzubeziehen, agile Praktiken, Anpassung, Datenaggregation und kontinuierliche Innovation zu nutzen.
Infographic Information Technology
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Mythbusting the agile ERP

This infographic discusses the benefits and dispels common misconceptions of implementing an industry-specific ERP system. It emphasizes the importance of breaking transformations into smaller projects, involving teams throughout the process, utilizing agile practices, customization, data aggregation, and continuous innovation.
Infographic Information Technology
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Mythbusting the agile ERP

This infographic discusses the benefits and dispels common misconceptions of implementing an industry-specific ERP system. It emphasizes the importance of breaking transformations into smaller projects, involving teams throughout the process, utilizing agile practices, customization, data aggregation, and continuous innovation.
Infographic Information Technology
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Sfatiamo i miti dell'ERP agile

È opinione comune che le pratiche agili non possano essere applicate alle implementazioni ERP. Questa infografica sfata i miti sulle moderne implementazioni ERP e fornisce pratiche fruibili e agili che possono essere applicate per accelerare le trasformazioni e fornire rendimenti straordinari.
Infographic Information Technology
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Démystification de l’ERP agile

Il existe une idée fausse et répandue selon laquelle les pratiques agiles ne peuvent pas être appliquées à la mise en œuvre d’un ERP. Cette infographie dissipe les mythes entourant la mise en œuvre d’un ERP moderne et présente des pratiques agiles et concrètes qui peuvent être appliquées pour accélérer les transformations et obtenir des résultats qui changent la donne.
Infographic Information Technology
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Mythbusting the agile ERP

This infographic discusses the benefits and dispels common misconceptions of implementing an industry-specific ERP system. It emphasises the importance of breaking transformations into smaller projects, involving teams throughout the process, utilising agile practices, customisation, data aggregation, and continuous innovation.
Infographic Information Technology
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Optimiser les processus pour le succès de l'Industrie 4.0 dans l'automobile

Découvrez comment les entreprises industrielles se transforment pour tirer parti des nouvelles opportunités offertes par la révolution de l’industrie 4.0. Lisez le dernier livre électronique d’Infor pour découvrir comment les technologies émergentes telles que l’IA, les analyses avancées et l’IdO rassemblent les personnes, les équipes et les services pour libérer les possibilités d’un environnement de fabrication plus productif, connecté et intelligent.
Ebook Artificial Intelligence